Friday, September 28, 2007

A Gem in the midst of television boredom...

A rare outing for television discussion on this blog for a second, in fact this may well be the first time in over a year that TV has cropped up on here! But for some reason (probably boredom) I felt the need to sing the praises of a comedy that I hadn’t even seen a full episode of this time last year yet I am now hooked.

Step forward, Scrubs. Lord know why I spent so long without bearing witness to an episode of this fine piece of television but since I was lent the first season on DVD back in January, I’ve been hooked on enough to trawl through all five series that have been released in the UK so far.

Now entering Series Six on E4, Scrubs just keeps getting better and better and the recent events (for those who haven’t seen it, I won’t ruin the story!) have been a shining example of the sheer genius writing and performance of the show. Even in a sad storyline, it still has the quality of making you laugh before bringing you right back down to earth with a bang.

Something that I personally havn’t seen in a sit-com since Friends and to a lesser extent Only Fools and Horses is the attention to detail of getting the emotional moments absolutely spot on. The characters have been made to perfection and each one can make you laugh in a completely different way. This, in turn, makes you care about the characters a lot more and by the time you’ve watched a few episodes you feel like you know them and that they’re your friends.

It’s an incredibly difficult skill to involve sadness and heartache in the middle of comedy and vice-versa but Scrubs gets it just right and with the summing up from JD at the end of each episode it certainly makes you think about life. It’s pretty much a guarantee that a lot of the issues faces by the characters over the last few years has in some way affected each and every one of us in day to day life and to reflect this in a quite brilliant way has lifted Scrubs from something I think of as just another sit-com to the status of must-see TV.

In a world of reality television, song contests and shoddy sit-coms, Scrubs is an absolute gem in a box of recycled waste and long may it continue to shine!

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